Reasons to Select Home Care Over Assisted Living

Choosing between in-home care and assisted living for your elderly loved one can be a challenging task. Ultimately, you want to choose the option that makes your loved one most comfortable without compromising his or her safety and overall health. In-home care provides seniors with many benefits that assisted living does not. Here are some of the advantages of choosing in-home care over assisted living.

Receive Personalised Care

Your loved one will not need to share a care worker with other seniors when staying at home. Instead, he or she will have a care worker’s full attention at all times. Receiving personalised care can prevent your loved one from eating unhealthy foods, skipping out on physical activities and exercise, and experiencing accidents such as slips and falls. If your loved one happens to fall, the care worker can provide immediate assistance, which could prevent more severe health issues. Receiving personalised care can also slow cognitive decline and help seniors maintain a high quality of life.

If you have a senior loved one who needs help maintaining a high quality of life while ageing in place, reach out an in-home care provider Sydney families can rely on. All of our care workers are bonded, licensed, and insured, there are no hidden fees, and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts.

Age in Familiar Surroundings

Ageing in place allows seniors to be surrounded by their personal belongs and familiar settings. Your loved one can continue doing many of the things he or she has always done, such as working in the garden, walking through the neighbourhood, and participating in local activities. However, with assisted living, your loved one will need to downsize and let go of a few personal items and daily activities. Giving up on daily activities could cause your loved one to become sad and depressed, leading to more severe health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Staying at home allows seniors to maintain their independence for longer, within familiar surroundings.

Maintain Privacy

Seniors who have lived independently for most of their lives may have a difficult time sharing space with strangers. However, in-home care allows seniors to stay in their own homes and maintain their private bedrooms and bathrooms, in addition to other areas of the home. Your loved one can move from room to room without worrying about bumping into strangers who have come to visit their relatives. Maintaining their privacy helps seniors develop a sense of normalcy in their lives, which can boost their mood, prevent many age-related illnesses, and promote a sense of independence.

Some seniors only require help with a few daily tasks so they can maintain their independence. However, those living with serious illnesses may need more extensive assistance. Luckily, there is professional live-in home care Sydney, NSW, seniors can rely on. Home can be a safer and more comfortable place for your loved one to live with the help of an expertly trained and dedicated live-in care worker.

Save Money

Just because your loved one needs help with daily activities doesn’t mean he or she needs around-the-clock care. Having a care worker in the home full time could be expensive, especially for seniors living on fixed incomes. With in-home care, your loved one only needs to hire a care worker to provide assistance with the specific challenges he or she faces. For instance, if your loved one only needs help with household chores, meal prep, and exercise routines, he or she does not need around-the-clock care. Better In-home care is also a good option for family caregivers who need a break from their duties to manage personal and professional commitments.

Whether your elderly loved one needs part-time assistance with basic household chores or you need a break from your caregiving duties, the Sydney respite care experts at Better in Home Care are here to help. All of our respite care services are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, there are no hidden fees in our contracts, and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts. To create a comprehensive in-home care plan for your ageing loved one, call us at 02-9051-1000 today.

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